
Welcome to Bookishly Jewish, a website featuring Jewish authors sharing their experiences with Jewish literature for ALL readers to enjoy. For some basic info, feel free to check out the FAQ page! For information on submissions please see the submissions page.

Bookishly Jewish was born from the desire of Jewish authors to spread the excitement for Jewish literature amongst all readers. When talking with other Jewish authors they realized many wanted to share their love of being Jewish with the world by highlighting the books that made them feel, think and dream.

We do not seek to define Judaism and this website is open to submissions about books featuring all different levels of religious and cultural observance by writers of all different levels of religious or cultural observance. If you are questioning whether you are Jewish enough for this, please don’t. Furthermore, please do not question the Jewishness of our contributors.

The list of books you will find here is by no means complete. For that, please check out the resources page. Each book included is here because a writer felt strongly enough about it to sit down and put the effort in to type up a review so that you might go on that journey with them. If there is a book you would love to see listed, but don’t, feel free to send in your review for consideration!

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