Knit One Girl Two

Knit One Girl Two

by: Shira Glassman

July 22 2021, independently published

252 pages

review by: E. Broderick

There is nothing like some low stakes sapphic romance to get me out of a reading funk. And when I’m in need of that fix – I turn to one of my favorite indie authors, Shira Glassman. People have been reccing me her short story collection Knit One Girl Two since forever. Including a lovely article from fellow romance writers that ran as part of our last Tu B’Av feature. I should really learn to listen more, because when I finally accumulated enough digital media credits to go purchase it, I definitely got the warm fuzzies. 

The longest story, from which the collection takes its name, follows Clara as she prepares to start hand dying yarn for her next sock club. For those not in the knitting know, this means Clara dyes special yarns herself and sends subscribers enough to knit a variety of themed socks. This time around her colors are based on the art work of Danielle. To whom she just so happens to be attracted, and who volunteers to help out when more than usual orders roll in. You can guess where it goes from there. 

I did love that story, but my favorite was actually the story FEARLESS, in which a newly divorced and newly out of the closet mom takes her daughter to the All-State orchestra rehearsal and begins to have a flirtation with the butch orchestra director. It was nice to see a reminder that one is never too old to fall in love or to create art. The rediscovery of both a long abandoned musical talent and queer feelings that had long been put aside, was a real one two punch straight for the feels. And it was so gentle and reassuring at the same time. No high stakes end of the world break up to send my cortisol levels rising. Just straight up love, acceptance, and a line about kissing in one’s native language that read like music in and of itself. 

Often for trad publishing to acquire a book, even one labeled as cozy, it must torture the reader to the point of making them cry and throw the book across the room on a social media video post. Or have some ridiculous high concept hook involving the end of the world as we know it plus the death of the character of everyone they hold dear. Sometimes both. As a reader, it can get pretty exhausting. Sometimes, I don’t want to be tortured. I don’t want the world to end (or be in danger of ending even if it does get saved by the end). I just want a hug and a warm pair of socks. Knit One Girl Two provides both (although you’ll have to knit the socks yourself. Clara’s yarn is all sold out).

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