Reader’s Choice Poll!

There have been tons of “Top 100” Lists floating around recently. Here at BookishlyJewish we don’t rank our books because we love ALL the Jewish books, realize we cannot possibly have read them all, and are feverishly trying to support as many as we can. However, we are always curious what our readers are loving! So we thought it would be fun to have a little unofficial readers poll.

Feel free to vote for a book in as many categories as it fits and to skip a category that doesn’t speak to you. Torah commentaries are fine, but please don’t vote for the actual Torah (ie: Guide To The perplexed is fair game but Leviticus is not.)

You have to sign in to google to vote, but it won’t collect your email. It’s just to limit it to one response per account. Because apparently even when there are no prizes planned, people still try to game the system on these things.

Voting remains open until August 1. CLICK HERE to vote.