2024 Readers Choice Poll – Overall Best Jewish Book

I am really pleased to announce the reader picks in the “Best Overall Jewish Book” category.

I won’t tell you which books got the most votes, but I can share a few fun facts:

-BookishlyJewish has reviews up for five of them (links below)

-There’s an additional book I’ve read but still haven’t gotten around to reviewing

-Two are so high on my TBR I already own them. They stare at me balefully as I type this. (Can you guess which?)

-There’s a nice mix of fiction and nonfiction

-Three of these books were not on my radar, but now they are

-Our younger readers have participated! Plus some nostalgic grown ups! Love that we got some children’s literature on here.

Stay tuned as we release the results for individual categories throughout the week. There are a lot of fun and surprising picks. Your TBR is sure to grow.

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