2024 Reader’s Choice – Romance

Today we reveal the Reader’s Picks for ROMANCE, and as a sign of my long lasting devotion to the subject, I am pleased to report that BookishlyJewish already has a review up for nine out of ten of these books. We have the full gamut of heat levels represented here, and I suspect those who know me can easily guess which pick was mine. XOXO

As a personal aside, Jewish romance writers are really fun and they were some of the first people in the industry to send BookishlyJewish arcs and also welcomed me into their spaces as a writer before I was published. Thank you romance writers for your continued support. I hope to keep covering your gorgeous books for many years to come and have one of mine up there someday keeping yours company.

Find The Books:

Celestial Persuasion by Mir Ines Trupp: Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

A Kiss From the Past by Kelly Cain: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

Marry Me by Midnight by Felicia Grossman: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

The Matzah Ball by Jean Meltzer: Bookshop |Amazon

Meant To Be Mine by Hannah Orenstein: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

Mr. Perfect on Paper by Jean Meltzer: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

This Spells Disaster by Tori Anne Martin: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

Unorthodox Love by Heidi Shertok: Bookshop | Amazon | BookishlyJewish Review

Want even more romance recommendations? Check out the adult fiction page or the YA fiction page