I’m thrilled to share our very first cover reveal! Everything Thaws by R.B. Lemberg is a poetry memoir about Soviet Jews, climate change and the Vorkuta Gulag. It releases on June 1, 2022 from Ben Yehuda Press. Here’s the back cover copy, including a snippet:
The northern lights
above me, undulating with the sky’s darkness
over a vast whiteness of the earth, and cupped
between these polarities, belonging
nowhere, I ran
R.B. Lemberg’s poems are a manifesto of memories, unearthing worlds that are gone and poignantly present: their childhood in the Soviet Union, suspended between Ukraine and the permafrost of Vorkuta, among the traumatized, silent, persecuted members of their Jewish family; Lemberg’s coming of age in Israel, being the other wherever they go, both internally and externally, in multiple identities, languages, genders; and the arrival in “the lost land” of their America, where they have put down “tentative roots.”
Every line in this stunning, lyrical memoir is chiseled with the poignant precision of ice into a coruscating cascade that engulfs us with the author’s sensations of solitude, anger, grief; sometimes hurling like an avalanche, sometimes tenderly unfolding like constellations in a circumpolar sky – leaving open the possibility that with the disturbing truths covered for decades, the thawing permafrost from Lemberg’s past might also lay bare layers of love.
Here is the cover, featuring the gorgeous photography of Arseniy Kotov. This particular photo was taken in Vorkuta, a mining town and former forced labor camp, 110 miles from the Arctic Oocean.

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R.B. Lemberg (they/them/theirs) is a queer, bigender immigrant from Eastern Europe. Their work has appeared in Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Unlikely Story, Uncanny, and other venues. Their book The Four Profound Weaves was a finalist for the World Fantasy, Nebula, Ignyte, and Locus Awards. R.B. was born in Ukraine, and lived in subarctic Russia and Israel before coming to the US for graduate school at UC Berkeley. They are a sociolinguist, and they work as an associate professor at a Midwestern university. Their web site is at http://rblemberg.net/