The Matchmaker’s Gift

The Matchmaker’s Gift

by: Lynda Cohen Loigman

September 20, 2022 St. Martin’s Press

320 pages

Review by: E. Broderick

Pushing boundaries and breaking through restrictive norms set by previous generations is practically a right of young adulthood. So is hearing a lecture about how such progress is only achieved on the backs of those who came before. It’s an endless cycle of that somehow results in moving society forward, to the point where many issues described by community elders can seem incomprehensible to the individuals they mentor. Finding the balance, with new trailblazers realizing what their ancestors went through and bringing those lessons forward is at the heart of Lydia Cohen Loigman’s historical novel The Matchmakers Gift. 

Many people see the word “matchmaker” in the title and assume that this is a story about boring old traditions. After all, matchmaking is thought to be an outdated relic of the past when marriage was based on business rather than love. Even the more generous among us see matchmakers as a fun but harmless spectacle, much like the spate of new streaming shows featuring matchmakers from various cultures. They certainly don’t see this as a male dominated profession that excluded women for a large portion of history. After all, the worlds most famous fictional Jewish matchmaker, Yenta, was a woman. What more proof do we need?

Readers will be interested to learn that the truth is far from what the movies and the reality shows have lead them to believe. Matchmaking used to be the provenance of men and intrusion of women on the scene was less than welcomed. Such is the plight of Sara, a young woman freshly immigrated to the lower east side who has been gifted with the ability to literally see the connections between matches. She wants to make these love matches, no matter how impossible they seem, and in doing so she faces the wrath of the male matchmaking establishment. These men do not appreciate the encroachment on their livelihood, forcing Sara to work underground and largely without pay or compensation. She does so with the help of her friendly local Rabbi. 

The story is told in two timelines, with the second featuring Sara’s granddaughter Abby. Abby is, of all things, a divorce lawyer. After Sara’s death Abby discovers Sarah’s journals and learns more about the fantastic stories her matchmaking grandmother used to tell her. She also discovers that Sara may not have been as retired as she claimed to be, and that she had some particular thoughts about who should take over the family business. Namely: Abby.

As Abby begins to follow the intuition about connections between couples that she has long suppressed during her parents messy divorce, she earns the ire of her boss who would rather she focused on giving clients what they ask for rather than what she intuits they might need for their relationships. One character goes so far as to call her a nudge. Anyone with any matchmaking experience will recognize this essential quality of a matchmaker. Sara possessed this tenacious perseverance too, finally culminating in a show down with the men that sought to exclude her from the field. 

Such tactics are hardly relics of the past. While matchmaking reality shows feature the profession as female dominated, there is a growing number of men seeking to control access to entire swaths of eligible singles in their communities where traditional matchmaking is still the norm. Anyone seeking to make a match within their community is expected to go through them. Their arguments are eerily familiar to those Sarah faced- men need this livelihood more, it is immodest for a woman to be setting up unmarried men, how can we trust a woman with something so important. Such ideas weaponize a process that should be about building connections. I would urge singles and matchmakers alike to instead take a book from Sarah’s page and leave the gender binary behind. Abby discovers that in her later life, Sarah made matches across all barriers. She worked with people of various religions, backgrounds, and sexualities. It was never about the money to her. It was about bringing together two people who were well suited to build a lasting relationship. 

Abby herself internalizes Sarah’s message by aiding some very unlikely pairings – nobody is more likely to be looking for love than the people in the waiting room of a divorce lawyers office. She accepts the mantle grudgingly at first, but then blossoms as she finds a way to merge it with her chosen profession. This is the stuff of true progress, and in that the novel achieves its purpose.

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Naomi Teitlebaum Ends the World

Naomi Teitelbaum Ends the World

By: Samara Shanker

September 5, 2023, Atheneum Books for Young Readers.

272 pages

Review by: E Broderick

Bar or Bat Mitzvah’s have become a touchstone of Jewish culture, a coming of age ceremony that many outside of the Jewish community have come to recognize and relate with. Readers across cultures enjoy hearing about twelve and thirteen years olds prepping their speeches and learning to lead the congregation in prayer. I, however, view all of this from the angle of someone who did not have such a celebration. Not because my family wasn’t observant, simply because they didn’t like to make a big deal of things. They still don’t. Instead, I was given the knowledge that I would become responsible for my own actions, whether there was a celebratory party or not, and encouraged to participate in some extra community service.

Naomi Teitelbaum, lead character of Samara Shanker’s MG fantasy, Naomi Tietelbaum Ends the World, might have preferred it if her two moms felt the same way as my parents did. Naomi certainly does not seem enthused about her lessons with the Youth Rabbi or the construction of her speech. She is, however, excited by the gifts. Which is why it is only fitting that one of those gifts is yet another touchstone of Jewish culture that appears to be more and more relevant these days: a Golem.

For those who are unfamiliar with Golems, these animated clay creatures are known for defending Jews against antisemitism but also had a reputation of getting out of control. If left to their own devices, they can take their missions to extremes and eventually must be laid to rest by their creators.

Naomi knows none of this Golem Lore. Instead, she and her two best friends try to figure out the Golem on their own, with mixed results. When hiding the golem becomes increasingly difficult, Naomi gives it a mission designed to keep it busy. As can be expected, this does not turn out well. Instead, Naomi and her friends must set out on adventure to stop The Golem, armed with wisdom from some kindly Rabbi’s, both living and dead, and seeking shelter in various Jewish institutions of California. (My favorite line is about how one can always find a chabad house if they are in need).

Naomi steps up and assumes responsibility not only for her actions, but also for the tasks she may not have asked for but that ultimately fall on her shoulders anyway. Through the Golem, she realizes that personal choice is truly at the crux of Jewish ethics. It’s the stuff of an excellent B’ne Mitzvah speech, and I look forward to following the other two friends on their journeys towards these milestones in the upcoming sequels.

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The Sun Will Come Out

The Sun Will Come Out

by: Joanne Levy

April 13, 2021, Orca Books

296 pages

Review by: E. Broderick

I have long ago come to accept that there is exactly one thing I can control in the traditional publishing process – the quality of my work. Everything else is subject to the whims of random business people that I am not likely to ever meet. We all know of a gorgeous book that never got picked up due to agents’ and/or editors’ saying it wasn’t to their taste, the market was too competitive, or the ubiquitous catchall “I just didn’t fall in love.” Frustrations with that statement aside, it sometimes helps to remember that there is a whole lot of luck involved in this process.

While my colleagues who have gone the self or independent publishing route have more control over their covers and marketing, they too are subject to random market forces outside of their control. Books featuring pandemics published during 2020, for example, had no way to know they were about to enter the worst possible market. They rely on bookstagrammers and reviewers (like me!) for promo. Still, it leads authors to wonder how bookshelves might look if we weren’t so reliant on the taste of a handful of people. Perhaps it would be worse than the zombie apocalypse with shelves and shelves of unreadable work. But I like to think we might be pleasantly surprised to see books that were told they had no market in fact thriving and finding their readers.

I’ve read and reviewed several books by Joanne Levy before so when I saw a copy of The Sun Will Come Out, her contemporary MG about a girl named Bea heading off to summer camp sans her best friend, I was intrigued enough to pick it up. The cover is straight up gorgeous (a factor outside of many author’s control), and like many Jews I have fond memories of summer camp.

The camp in the book was quite different from my own, but there were still recognizable features that brought home the nostalgia – the treachery of shared showers, mystery night activities, a musical production, and of course bunk-mates that we could do without. In the case of Bea Gelman, there is also a wicked case of urticaria that causes some embarrassment, especially as two of her bunk-mates relentlessly tease her about it. Luckily Bea has made some good friends, but when a crush goes awry she finds herself hiding out in the nurses office. There she meets Harry, a boy with significant medical challenges.

I’m going to leave aside the discussion of hives and urticaria treatment because I am fairly certain that I am the only one interested in that, and instead say that I found the characters likeable and fun. Bea’s closest friend is actually visiting from overseas because her Jewish mother wanted her to meet more Jewish kids than she can at home. She has many important lessons to teach Bea, whose best friend abandoned her in order to go to horse camp which Bea could not afford. In addition, Harry has some significant insights into standing up for oneself even when things are hard. Bea helps him with his courage and he does the same for her. The trio are not overly maudlin and the book does not fall into the trap of sick lit where everything is all about trauma. This is about three kids figuring out how to deal with bullies, friendships, crushes, and life challenges as they grow up.

Note for the parents – there is a significant amount of crushing and one off page kiss. If your kid isn’t yet up to that, save this one for a few years down the road.

What I found most surprising was the afterword in which the author states that this book, which I found extremely relatable, was trunked due to never finding a home. I can CERTAINLY relate to having a trunk story, or twelve lolsob, so I was curious how it came to be in my hands and not gathering dust in the cloud. Turns out my agent is correct when she tells me we do not declare well written books dead, we simply wait for new markets to open up. She usually is right about everything, so this should not be coming as a shock to anyone. In the case of The Sun Will Come Out, when the PJ Library Our Way program opened up and was on the look out for MG books with Jewish themes this book fit the bill. With that support it was able to make its way into the world.

I am not knowledgeable enough about that program to comment on it or its book selections. I would, however, like to comment on the fact that a Jewish themed book couldn’t find a home until a Jewish themed organization came looking to support it. I often wonder how many Jewish books we are missing out on because publishers “already have a Jewish book” in their catalogue for the season or don’t think the market is big enough as they fear non-Jews will not relate. What would happen if an organization provided similar support for Jewish YA books as is being provided for these Jewish MG’s? It’s certainly something to think about.

For all the writers and books that haven’t found their homes yet, maybe take a lesson from both Bea and Joanne Levy. Don’t let one or two people’s opinions stand in your way when it comes to doing things that you love. Keep on the lookout for new opportunities for that trunked story. Most of all, try to make a few good friends on the journey.

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Unorthodox Love

Unorthodox Love

by: Heidi Shertok

July 11, 2023, Alcove Books

336 pages

Review by: E. Broderick

Growing up, I thought there were two types of orthodox Jews: Germans and Hungarians. Arguments could break out amongst these two factions about the correct way to practice orthodoxy, but the bottom line was that none of this appeared to involve more than trivial stuff. The Germans arrived early to events, the Hungarians dressed up more. Oh and the big waiting-different-amount-of-times-between-meat-and-dairy thing. Such were the limits of my knowledge about the diversity in the world of orthodox Jewry.

I’ve since met Jews, many of whom identify as orthodox, from a wide variety of geographic and cultural backgrounds. It has been my pleasure to watch a small fraction of these many facets of orthodoxy finally claw their way into traditional publishing. Previously, if a book happened to feature orthodox characters, it was usually a story about unhappy hassidim or people who were OTD (a shorthand phrase for those who choose to stop practicing orthodoxy). While these stories are necessary, and often extremely personal and truthful, they are by no means the only narrative. Orthodoxy is not a monolith. Even within modern orthodoxy, there is variation in practice, and I was therefore very intrigued when I read the cover copy for Heidi Shertok’s romance Unorthodox Love, which said it feature a modern orthodox protagonist.

Please do not let the unnecessarily scandalous title put you off. This is not a story about adultery, premarital sex, or orthodox Jews breaking a bunch of rules and having “unorthodox” affairs. The narrative features an orthodox Jewish single named Penina who is having trouble on the matchmaking market due to her infertility. She is feeling particularly pessimistic about her chances at married life when she starts to fall for her new boss, Sam, who is a secular Jew.

Penina is very much an orthodox Jew, and proud of it. She and her family may do certain things that did not necessarily mesh with my particular world view of orthodoxy, but there were so many small details that did – like the different types of sponges used on shabbos in their home. While she acknowledges that her particular dating hardship is because of the way her community functions, she is not resentful or bitter about it. She loves who she is and where she comes from. She has no intentions of leaving. (I use the ashkenaz pronunciation and spelling for words in this review, because Penina appears to do so in the book).

Indeed, Penina is a modest fashion influencer on instagram. Her references to social media usage and her cool outfits are numerous. She does not chafe at her clothing restrictions. She takes pleasure in making them work for her and her followers. Plus, she is very clear with Sam the she is unwilling to compromise on her religious principles in a relationship. She may fantasize about wanting to be with him physically, but she would never take such action before marriage because it just doesn’t fit with her character or her belief system.

The voice of the book, particularly Penina and her banter, is the exact kind of drama I would have expected and the trials Penina faces are very realistic. Including the fact that orthodoxy is not kind to those that are infertile. The focus on family life sometimes makes Penina feel like her uterus is the most important part of herself, making her medical condition all the more painful. Plus, the community is tight knit, meaning everyone is up in Penina’s business. She handles this with grace and humor, but she’s also unwaveringly honest.

Anyone that has ever been made to feel “less than” on the marriage market, Jewish or not, will immediately relate to her. She very eloquently describes how when given the choice to go on a date with a person who has infertility or a person who does not, people will always choose the latter option. I couldn’t help but insert the many various “defects” that people are warned to hide, into that sentence. Too poor, too short, having a disability, being overweight etc. et.c etc. The list goes on and on and varies from culture to culture but the basic principle is the same, and it is brutal. Yet somehow Penina finds her happy ending against that backdrop.

My only one qualm was when Penina is set up with a closeted homosexual man and essentially considers becoming his beard. For such a kind and caring person I was surprised that she did not express as much empathy for his situation as she had for so many others in the book. It’s almost as if she took for granted that there wasn’t a place for him in orthodoxy – despite her own struggles with finding her place in the community. She was more focused on what this meant for herself and her potential gain from the situation- which was out of character for a woman that has been described as relentlessly selfless the entire book. During the second half of the book this gets sorted out satisfactorily for all, and we see Penina acknowledging the feelings of both the man and his family, but for a book with such an amazing message of inclusion under the orthodox umbrella, I was surprised to find this small gap.

Overall, the book felt geared to welcome secular readers – a perfectly valid choice. Any reader whose religious practice involves not reading anything of a sexual nature might not be comfortable with the level of fantasizing involved. Not to mention the numerous wardrobe malfunctions that are fashionista manages to have. Then again, I could be totally wrong about this. I am not familiar with every religion out there and their reading preferences. Readers should go in with the knowledge that although this is a romance involving a religious character that does not believe in premarital sex, there are mild descriptions of a sexual nature. These are exclusively in people’s thoughts rather than actually occurring on the page and nothing is graphic by any means. It’s what I would call a low heat romance but it is by no means devoid of sex.

I can’t really say there’s been an explosion of orthodox literature recently, because that would be a lie, but there has been a nice uptick in different types of orthodox representation. Penina and her fun outfits, witty comebacks, and huge heart are a great addition to that body of work. If she was a real person, I’d love to hang out with her – although I’d probably be exhausted by the end of the day. She’s high energy and high drama and so is this book. It’s a great way for readers to meet orthodoxy in the context of a fulfilling story.

Content warnings: Infertility, shidduchim (if you don’t know what that means, you are not the person that needs the warning)

BookishlyJewish received an e-arc of this book after we asked for one from the publisher. Admittedly this was done like five days before before release, leading to some frantic reading. They have our utmost appreciation for replying so quickly.

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One Hundred Saturdays

One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World

by: Michael Frank

artwork: Maira Kalman

September 6, 2022, Avid Reader Press

240 pages

review by: E. Broderick

Reading is both work and pleasure for most writers. We have to read to keep up with our field, to research settings and plot issues, and in general to learn craft. In fact, sometimes the best way to kill ones joy of reading is to start analyzing every book for structure. Plus, there’s fun spill over into other ares of life. I can’t watch a movie without pointing out the plot beats, and let me tell you, theater patrons do not particularly enjoy being told that they are in the midst of the dark night of the soul. Sometimes, even I hate my brain for doing this to me, which is why I try and trick it with a book read for pure pleasure. Usually, this will be easiest with “escapist literature,” but on one occasion, it took the form of a historical memoir.

The colorful artwork on the cover of Michael’s Frank’s One Hundred Saturday’s sets the tone for the book that follows. This is the memoir of one hundred Saturday’s that Michel spent listening to the life story of Stella Levi and the friendship they built together. Stella is a holocaust survivor, but the story wisely chooses to being with her childhood in the Juderia of the Greek island Rhodes. The unique culture and customs that Stella remembers are the “lost world” referred to in the title, and as Stella often notes, it is possible they may have collapsed even without World War II. While Stella’s family lived in the Juderia, many wealthy Jewish families were moving outside its boarders and many modern influences were moving in. Stella attended school amongst gentiles, and her sister was up to date on all the philosophical movements of the era.

Stella’s memories are gorgeous, layered depictions of a way of life that no longer exists, but also a reflection on how we must change with the times. Indeed, I found Stella herself an incredibly relatable character with a wisdom that defies generational knowledge or age. For me, there was particular meaning in her thoughts about her relationships with others. Stella was open to meeting all types of people- of all religions, genders and orientations- and chose to focus her stories on the intellectual and spiritual aspects of these interactions rather than on whether they were sexual or romantic in nature. For her, the true meaning was in the connection she formed with others. The rest was superfluous. In this, she has a lesson to teach us all.

As with any memoir, questions about memory and story telling arise. Frank deftly takes us through these discussions by reminding both Stella and the readers that what is important is not the minutiae, but rather the overarching feelings and concepts – the community and culture that once lived in the Juderia and now exists in diaspora, as well as Stella’s personal philosophy.

For her part, Stella does not hold her punches. She is critical of herself, especially as relates to her later life and motherhood. I found I could relate to many of her struggles with self confidence and her business choices. It was a solid reminder that no matter how successful or educated, no matter how sociable and popular, we do not know what a person truly fears, how many opportunities they have passed up due to anxiety, and how lonely they feel at the end of the day.

Readers that cannot read holocaust literature for mental health reasons should simply skip over that portion of the story, which is actually not the bulk of the book, because missing out on Stella’s life and philosophy because of an aversion to Holocaust lit would be a travesty. If you can read it, I suggest trying. I have difficultly with these types of stories but Stella and Frank are both gentle and unique story tellers. Stella has an ability to lend fresh eyes to the time period and a truly generous world view as evidenced by her descriptions of those around her. I found it made the reading much easier without shying away from the travesty.

The Book is titled “One Hundred Saturdays,” but as the memoir progresses, it becomes apparent that the author spent significantly more time with Stella than those titular days. The book that resulted from these interactions was easily read by me in a single Saturday, however I wished it had lasted me for even longer. Because I truly did lose myself in its pages, and I too would love to spend more time with Stella.

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My Fine Fellow

My Fine Fellow

by: Jennieke Cohen

January 11, 2022, Harperteen

352 pages

Review by: E. Broderick

Some years ago I decided to take a cooking class with a professional chef. I’d long been a kitchen hobbyist, but life was hectic and I wanted to streamline my process. It was a resounding success. Simply adjusting the way I held my knife and chopped an onion was a revelation. However, I was fortunate enough to be taking this course in a kosher environment. I didn’t have to worry about cooking items that I could not eat due to my religious practice or any of the other awkwardness that comes with keeping kosher while trying to advance within the non-kosher culinary establishment.

The titular character of Jennieke Cohen’s My Fine Fellow, Elijah Little, is not so lucky. In the alternate history London in which Elijah lives, the culinary arts have been elevated to the very height of posh society. As a street peddler of empanadas, Elijah has little hope of ascending the gastronomic ladder, but all that changes when he strikes a deal with two female student culinarians. As part of their final project at school they will educate him and prove that culinaria can be used to elevate any members of society. What Elijah doesn’t tell them is that he is Jewish – leading to some issues when he is asked to cook foods that are not a normal part of his diet.

The story is a gender bent retelling of a retelling – My Fair Lady was itself an adaptation of Pygmalion. However, having acted in my fair share of amateur productions of the aforementioned play, I found that this book is no simple retelling. In the character of Elijah, and the choice to make him Jewish, Cohen introduces the concept that external factors are not the only barriers to advancement in society. Being Jewish is not an extrinsic factor like speech patterns, clothes, and education. It is an unchangeable part of Elijah’s identity and Jews were barred by gentile merchants from owning their own businesses at the time. Being Jewish is not something that Elijah wants to change, nor should he. Instead, the change needs to occur in society itself.

This message is further brought home by the Penelope Pickering character, who is the daughter of a Filipina mother and a third-son-of-a-Baron father. Since society frowns on their marriage, Penelope’s parents have raised her abroad and have stayed away from London during her time in school lest their relationship jeopardize Penelope’s chances at becoming a culinarian. Penelope, for her part, never denies her heritage and in fact celebrates it through food. Although most of her fellow culinarians favor European cuisine, Penelope specializes in the food of the America’s. When she tells Elijah she believes he can achieve everything he wants, it is not because she is unrealistic about the social mores of the time. It is because she believes in changing society through direct action.

The alternate history aspect is intriguing. I enjoy a timeline that shows women advancing in society and a royal family that is more open to change and diversity than the royals history chose to gift us with. However, my favorite part of the story was how all my pet peeves with original play are repaired. The Freddy character in particular is dispatched most satisfactorily. Plus, rather than the gloomy slippers scene, the Higgins character – in this case student culinarian Helena Higgins – is allowed an actual chance for contemplation and restorative action.

Elijah learns to cut an onion exactly the same way I did. The descriptions of his training, and the food he cooks, are realistic and also mouth watering. I like to think that although this is an alternate history, it may yet lead to a brighter future in which the Elijah’s of the world can learn to cook the same way I did – in an environment which respects and values their cultural culinary background rather than seeking to override it.

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Don’t Want to Be Your Monster

Don’t Want to Be Your Monster

by: Deke Moulton

August 1, 2023, Tundra Books

304 pages

Review by: E Broderick

Bookishly Jewish has often covered books with supernatural creatures, both Jewish and otherwise. We even made an entire landing page that pulls out all the SFF books because sci fi and fantasy are some of our particular favorite genres. So while we haven’t seen it all, I like to think between all of our reviewers and community members, we have kept abreast of most major developments. We’ve seen lots of mythic creatures, but sensitive portrayals of Jewish vampires are not exactly commonplace.

Thanks to the antisemitic concept of blood libel, any form of blood magic used by Jewish or Jewish-coded characters demands a delicate touch. I’m always just a tad nervous when I do see it come up. However, I also want Jewish writers to be able to explore topics that are interesting to them without bearing the burden of Christian influences on their art. Therefore, I was very curious as to what I would find in Deke Moulton’s upcoming middle grade debut, Don’t Want to Be Your Monster.

The story features a Jewish vampire, Adam, who was bitten by one of his adoptive mothers as a baby in order to save his life after a Synagogue bombing. Adam’s family is unique in many ways, only some of which have to do with requiring blood meals to survive. His two mothers strongly believe in only consuming blood donated willing, and that no human should be turned against their will. They have taught scores of adoptive children how to live ethically as vampires. This means Adam’s family encompasses a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and ages.

Family composition and nocturnal existence aside, Adam’s older brother Victor appears to be experiencing a surprising amount of the same issues as most human teenagers. While Adam’s viewpoint chapters are full of fear about losing his brother as they grow up and protecting his family from those that do not look kindly on vampires, Victor’s viewpoint chapters feature a struggle to find his place in the world, pushing against boundaries set by parents, and that hallmark of adolescence – thinking he is invincible and refusing to acknowledge the consequences of his actions. As you might imagine, this means Adam and Victor are experiencing a bit of a rough patch in their ability to communicate with each other.

Oh, and did I mention there’s a serial killer running around who may just be a vampire hunter? In this world, vampires and other supernatural beings are actually commonly acknowledged as real. However, due to a large scale propaganda campaign they have been driven underground and most humans believe them extinct. This particular piece of world building took me some time to grasp, because otherwise the world is very much identical to the one we live in. However, I was reading an arc and it is possible the crucial bits of info have been moved up in the final version. Either way, I think readers may have a smoother reading experience knowing this fact up front.

Victor and Adam respond to this serial killer/vampire hunter in different ways. Adam sneaks out of the house to team up with some local kids trying to capture the killer on their own. This is where Adam makes his first Jewish acquaintance, Shoshana, and starts to struggle with integrating all the parts of his personal identity. Victor on the other hand, doubles down on the need to learn more “cool vampire stuff” and argues with his mothers about their insistence on giving him as close to a normal mortal childhood as possible. I found Victor’s POV chapters personally harder to read, especially when he talks about humans as food and his desire for the blood of young people. It churned my gut and was very ego dystonic for me, but isn’t that what being in the head of any teenager is like? Even for them? Victor too is struggling with his identity, only he is less aware of this than Adam is.

The murder mystery aspect of the book has some nice moving pieces that all come together in the end, and the conclusion is satisfying even if it does include some obvious sequel fodder. However, what I found most intriguing was the author’s note in which Deke Moulton talks about wanting to write a Jewish vampire specifically to combat antisemitic ideas like blood libel. As you can tell from the title, this is a story about being misunderstood or made into something that you are not simply to serve someone else’s needs. It’s a lesson that feels very relevant today, but has in fact been playing itself out, over and over, for centuries. Readers of all backgrounds might see themselves in one of these characters and finally feel understood.

BookishlyJewish received an e-arc from the publisher after inquiring with the author if we might be able to receive one.

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Get A Grip, Vivy Cohen

Get A Grip, Vivy Cohen

by: Sarah Kapit

June 8, 2021 Dial Books

352 pages

Review by E. Broderick

Epistolary is one of those forms that brings out strong opinions. You either love it or you hate it. As a writer, I’ve never attempted to go anywhere near it. I prefer to address my readers directly if I’m going to have any sort of narrative framing. As a reader, I find that I’m willing to give it a try but it takes more than usual for books written this way to hook me. When I picked up Get A Grip, Vivy Cohen by Sarah Kapit I was really curious to see how middle grade readers would interact with this particular format.

Vivy is an autistic girl that starts writing letters to her favorite pitcher, VJ Capello, as part of her social skills group. Although Vivy hates social skills group, she does enjoy writing to VJ and continues to send him letters even after the exercise is over. She describes how she wants to learn to throw a knuckleball just like VJ does and how she wishes she could play in a real game. Wonder of wonder – VJ actually writes back! With approval from Vivy’s father, the two become pen pals just as Vivy convinces her parents to let her play in the Orange League. Meanwhile, VJ struggles to recover from a devastating World Series loss that he refuses to discuss with anyone – including Vivy.

Although they are at quite different stages in their lives, Vivy and VJ share several things. As a Jewish, autistic, girl Vivy is facing some severe bullying from members of her team. VJ tells her he has faced a large amount of discrimination too as an ivy league educated, black, knuckleballer. They are also both having disastrous seasons. They want to support each other, but there are the usual miscommunications between an adult an a child, and both must learn to actually listen to what the other is saying for things to get back on track.

I find it a little frustrating to keep having to look at the dates and headers on letters to place myself in time and space. But that’s just me. I struggle with any form of nonstandard prose formatting, including verse. The children I surveyed generally said it was harder for them to get invested – mostly because it takes several of Vivy’s letters before VJ responds – but by the middle they were hooked. I also found that children enjoyed the baseball plot regardless of any prior experience, or lack thereof, with the sport.

There is a romance and coming out subplot, but it is not Vivy’s. She makes a terrific friend in her catcher and they remain firmly platonic even when teased by his sister. Instead, we see Vivy’s brother becoming more and more distant from her because he is dating someone. When he finally explains that this is because he is gay and was still deciding how to come out to his family, Vivy’s response feels so wonderfully encapsulating of how she relates to the world. Some small things, like having her hair pulled, cause a complete meltdown. Yet this knowledge doesn’t change the way she feels about her brother at all. She’s just glad to be seeing more of him.

Again, a poll of the middle graders on this topic was varied. For many, the whole thing whooshed right over their heads, or they skipped it because they aren’t into “the kissy stuff.” That’s fair enough, and the plot was largely focused on baseball, because I suspect Vivy is also not a fan of the kissy stuff. She wants to play ball and we spend the bulk of the story working towards that goal with her.

Overall, the format gave me some trouble due to my own limitations, but I was so intrigued by Vivy and VJ that I was able to read this book very quickly. The middle schoolers averaged 2 days from start to completion. I think that’s what we call a home run.

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Marry Me by Midnight

Marry Me by Midnight

by: Felicia Grossman

Forever, August 8 2023

400 pages

review by: E Broderick

I recently had the opportunity to renovate my room and include a small dressing table. The amount of teasing I received about this from friends and family was unanticipated. Everyone felt the need to remind me that I am not a fashion model, nor particularly chic or beautiful. I ignored them all. Because when I sit at that table and brush my hair or apply sunscreen, the power I experience is worth every annoying joke made at my expense. These are not just clothes and accessories. They are armor that I am applying for the day in the few moments of peace and quiet that I have before I go do battle with the world. I like to think that in this regard I resemble Isabelle Lira, protagonist of Felicia Grossman’s historical romance Marry Me By Midnight.

Isabelle has a spectacular sense of fashion. The descriptions of her outfits are gorgeous. They are also necessary. As a Sephardic Jewish woman in 1830’s London trying to salvage her place in her father’s business after he dies, Isabelle is in need of every piece of armor she can get. In order to avoid being forced out of the company by her father’s business partners, Isabelle must find a spouse that can provide her the power that only males in that society could wield. Yet she must also balance the need for this man to give her free reign over the business and not take advantage of her. It’s a tall order and she doesn’t have much time, which is why she hosts a series of festivals to which she invites all eligible men in the community so that they can vie for her hand.

Fashion isn’t Isabelle’s only weapon. She recruits Synagogue custodian, Aaron Ellenberg, to help her vet potential candidates. Aaron is an orphan who faces the age old dilemma of Jewish males – he’s neither a learner nor an earner. His position at the Synagogue has been given to him by the community as a form of charity. Despite his many other admirable qualities, due to his lack of wealth and Torah knowledge, he has no hopes of having a wife and children of his own. However, with the money Isabelle is promising to pay for his help he just might be able to change that. What he and Isabelle haven’t counted on is the attraction they begin to feel for each other.

If this sounds like a gender bent Cinderella story to you -that’s because it is! But it is also so much more. Isabelle is not only battling with societal mores of what women can and cannot do, she is also a Jew trying to advance herself in gentile society. She’s forced to concede to gentile views on modesty and propriety that are not necessarily held by her own community. Plus, many of her suitors are Asheknaz, a group that at the time was less accepted by British gentiles due to their being more recent arrivals in the country.

When it is suggested that Isabelle focus her search on Sephardic candidates, so as to appease the gentiles that patronize her business, her response is sheer perfection. I do not want to give away spoilers – please read it for yourself – but let me just say that her words regarding how outsiders relate to Jews are still valid today. Isabelle has a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of how to be true to ones self while putting up with the demands of society at large.

Isabelle is clever, determined, and rich. That still doesn’t mean she is going to get everything she wants. Because she is also a woman in 1830’s London and that comes with certain unchangeable limitations. The author is meticulous in providing period details and she therefore acknowledges this aspect of Isabelle’s life. Isabelle’s happily ever after cannot be obtained without some concessions on her part, but that makes it feel all the more real and all the more relatable.

Note for my romance readers who like to read on the train or at work – yes there are explicit spicy scenes. You will learn fun slang for genitalia used in the 1830’s Jewish community. But maybe save those scenes for when you are alone unless you want to get some strange looks from the commuter reading over your shoulder. (Yes, this happens to me. Why do people do this?)

When I sit at my dressing table and select the face I want to present to the world on any given day, I remind myself that women have been doing this for ages. Isabelle is a model of courage and ingenuity, but her character arc is also a lesson in how and when to reach out for help. Aaron’s character arc reminds me that I do not have to do this alone. That I am a member of a community, and that we should support each other always. Those feel like pretty decent lessons to take with me every morning.

Note: BookishlyJewish received an e arc of this book from the publisher after we asked for one.

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How to Welcome An Alien

How to Welcome an Alien

Text by: Rebecca Klempner Illustrations by: Shirley Waisman

Kalaniot Books, August 1 2023

32 pages

Review by: E Broderick

Comparison titles, often abbreviated to “comp titles” or “comps,” are the bane of my existence. They are used for different reasons by different people in the publishing industry, need to somehow sell work as unique while comparing it to something already existing, and take up way more space than I care to think about on QueryManager forms. Still, they do serve a purpose. Case in point – this review is largely being performed thanks to the author’s fantastic use of creative comp titles.

When writers are seeking an agent or publisher for a particular book, many will participate in pitch events where they throw up a brief description of the book on a social media platform – most commonly twitter. I met my own agent through such an event and enjoy networking and meeting new writers by supporting their pitches. However, we all know picture books are not my forte. It’s not a category I often browse or interact with much. Until I saw the pitch from Rebecca Klempner for her picture book How to Welcome an Alien.

Readers, she comped Parshat Vayera and then included a hashtag for science fiction. It was fresh and eye catching and something I just had to read in order to see what in the world this was about.

The book, which was eventually illustrated by Shirley Waisman, is due to come out on August 2023. It features a group of aliens crash landing in the yard of a Jewish family anticipating the arrival of their new neighbors. Although this is not the company they were expecting, they fulfill the mitzvah of welcoming guests to their best ability. Some language barriers and cultural misunderstandings ensue, but the group seems to have fun while managing to repair the space ship. Plus, when the new neighbors do arrive, there’s yet another surprise.

The comparison title was indeed accurate. How to Welcome an Alien is a cute and fresh take on the lessons learned from Abraham’s tent in parshat Vayera. Kuddos the the author for finding a way to catch the eye of even the most unlikeliest of picture book reviewers.

BookishlyJewish received an e arc of this book from the publisher in the hopes that we would review it.

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